Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, April 29, 2016

Happiness, briefer still

Stop being so hopeful... don't rant about other people... Memento mori, keep a skull on your desk... laugh at yourself... Talk with someone you don't spend enough time with... Concentrate more on the happiness of others... Look at yourself as if from the ISS, 240 miles above the Earth (i.e., keep a sense of perspective)... Lose your phone, occasionally.

Aristotle... Epicurus

6 Myths/Truths... 7 Myths (Lyubomirsky)... 10 Myths (Gretchen Rubin)... 27 Things You Need to Know
Postscript, Tuesday May 10. I was pleased to find two essays in the Times this morning that directly echo themes we discussed in class yesterday:

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the comments of Mills on reading Wordsworth's poetry. The same thing happened to me. He was modern, even in the 1700's.


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