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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Study Guide for Dec. 3rd

Tuesday's exam will be drawn from the even-numbered questions:

Quiz for 11/07
1. Who paid homage to Epicureanism after its 17th century revival? 2
2. What common Creation Story assumptions did Epicurus reject? 21
3. Of what should we beware, regarding human perception? 26
4. The Epicureans grasped the basic principle of what modern scientific theory? 33
5. What was, and what is, the great fear of those who reject Epicurean-Darwinian ideas about the origins of life? 41

QQs: Kathryn
1."The ancient Epicureans argued that everything in our experience is perishable and will someday perish. But once something exists, they reasoned, _ ____ __ ____ ____." p.20
2.Lucretius wrote that all the species that we see alive now had been "protected and preserved from the beginning of its existence" by one of what three things? p.29
3.Epicureans "were not impressed by" what argument? p.35
4.What is a "good example" that the author gives for the role of chance still playing a role? p.40

QQs: Martin
1. What did Epicureans mean by Nature? (7)
2. To explain the complexity and combinations of atoms, Lucretius made what analogy? (22}
3. What was one creation myth from the ancient Greek philosophers that pre-dated the Epicureans? (33)

For 11/12
1. What is the spirit's fate, according to Lucretius? 43
2. What does the majority still believe about souls? 47
3. What dichotomous form of thinking about consciousness "must be wrong"? 52
4. Early humans, Lucretius supposes, experienced relative ____ and ____. 58
5. Humans evidently have not learned what? 61
6. Whatever ____ does must be consistent with God's will, says the religiously orthodox person. 63

Kathryn M.  QQs for chapters 3-4:
1.What are the 2 rational conclusions of thinking that the "body and mind are entirely interwoven?" p.46
2.What Epicurean idea did Hobbes revive? p.65
3.What is "one of the most important insights to take away from Lucretian prehistory and its reworking?" p.66

Martin QQ:s 3-4
1. Despite technological advances, what little robot relies on our consciousness for help? (3: evolution of consciousness)
2. What about consciousness do philosophers and neurosciences continue to debate about? (52)
3. What are two especially important features of Epicurean prehistory? (4: Authority and Inequality)
4. What was the significance of the Epicurean view on authority and justice? (62)

Alison QQ:
1. How does an Epicurean view the mind? (53)
2. Lucretius describes the earliest phase of human life ______, yet ________. (58)
3. Whose views on natural domination offered a regrettable interpretation of the idea of 'life in accord with nature'? (63-64)

Graham Anglin QQ:
1. We tend to think of consciousness as ___ or _______. (52)
2. What famous 17th century philosopher agreed with society that the soul is something that lives in the body? (46-47)
3. What is the one thing that the Roomba does exceptionally well? (49)

For 11/14 - HTBE 5-6
1. The satisfaction of what conditions should enable someone to be as happy as Zeus, according to Epicurus? 71
2. What have some "great philosophers" said about pleasure? 74
3. What does the different portrayal of male and female hedonism in advertizing and pop culture tell us about our society? 78
4. Why isn't set-point theory "the whole truth"? 85
5. What should you do if you have severe or chronic pain? 89
6. It's impossible to live pleasantly without what, for Epicurus? 95
7. What's the Epicurean position on kindness and generosity towards friends and strangers? 100-101
8. Why should you be moral? 104

Alison QQ 5-6
1. What is the Epicurean answer to the question, "Should we all do what we feel most like doing at any given moment, since our liking for pleasure and our aversion to pain are natural and fundamental?" (75)
2. Epicureanism is not a philosophy of what? (97)
3. For the Epicurean, ________ and _______ should and will determine decisions and and direct our practices. (106)

Martin QQ 5-6:
1. Ethics is the study of what? And what does Epicurus say about it? (73)
2. What is the most dangerous of all pleasures? (75)
3. What is the Epicurean view on petty annoyances? (87)

Kathryn QQs ch.5-6:
1.What does Epicurus say Ethics is about? (p.73)
2.What is the difference between the female and male versions of hedonistic advertising presentations? (p.78)
3.What do "surveyed people report as the most enjoyable activities of their day?" (p.81)

For 11/19 – 11/21 HTBE 7-8
1. What apparently motivated Lucretius's suicide? 111
2. What classes of women were recognized in ancient Greece? 113
3. What concept of morality was unfamiliar to ancient philosophers outside the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition? 117
4. Why are some men puzzled by the accusation of sexual harassment? 119
5. It is wrong to engineer sex by force, or by offering a what? 121
6. What was Descartes's illusion with respect to the subjective feeling of being an indestructible Self? 126
7. No human has ever been known to live beyond what age? 129
8. A prudent person does not join what, voluntarily? 133
9. Suicide is almost always based on what? 139

Alison QQ

1. Epicureans who choose to have children do not sacrifice what? (121)
2. What are the three views of death for the Epicurean? (126)
3. ______ said "When we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist." (131)

Graham QQ
1. Ancient Greek society restricted respectable married women to the ______. p.113
2. The prudent person must recognize that love can be _______. p.115
3. The Epicurean takes an __________ view of human life. p. 129

Nov. 21 - HTBE 9-10
1. The Epicurean distinguishes what 3 levels of reality? 152
2. To think like an Epicurean is to be aware of what? 156
3. Do ghosts exist? 160
4. What is required for there to be facts? 166
5. If you believe the world is made up of tables and chairs and people and pets (etc.)  that exist just as they appear, you're a what? 171
6. What is the touchstone of truth? 174
7. Why should we try to find out who's right, in matters of political disagreement? 179
8. What pragmatic reason supports the empirical stance? 182 

Paivi QQ
1. As Epicureans see matters, rights exist only by what? (158)
2. Belief in Unthings leads to what? (161)
3. Some philosophers argue that truth can only be found where? (173)
4. How would Epicureans resolve the ongoing argument of poverty and violence in the United States? (181)

Alison QQ 9-10
1. Why is the topic of essential natures important? (151)
2. Today's Epicurean would agree with the ancient philosophers on what? (167)
3. How does an Epicurean regard theories? (184)

Martin QQ's:
1. What do all events have, unlike matter? (9)
2. What is the problem with claiming to perceive the world as it really is using the 5 senses? (172-173)

Kathryn QQs chapters 9-10:
1. If "our species had never existed," what else would have never existed, according to the Epicurean? (p.153)
2.What is the fourth category "implicit in Epicurean theory?" (p.159)
3."Epicurus recognized that not all first-hand experiences reveal the ____." (p.175)
4.What are political disagreements based on, and what do they usually involve? (p.178)

Graham QQ for Chapter 9-10
1. Rights are often called ______. p157
2. Jeremy Bentham described rights as nonsense on _____. p158
3. The pace of innovations accelerated when empiricism was rediscovered and redeveloped in the period known as the _______ Revolution. p183

HTBE 11-12
1. "Our life has no need now of" what? 187
2. Little particles explain most of what happens in the world, aside from what? 193
3. Involving real harm, _____ is a moral issue. 199
4. What was Thomas Jefferson's view of Epicureans and Stoics? 209
5. Whose early utopian writings sound like a version of the Epicurean Garden? 212
6. Who was thought to be joking when he proposed gender equality in education and physical training? 217

Paivi QQ:
1. Nearly how many people that were surveyed believe God created human beings in their present form? (200)
2. Who are the three philosophers who were impacted by Epicurean philosophy? (209)
3. The Epicureans generally have a skeptical stance to what? (214)
4. Major philosophical traditions have regarded women as useful for what? (221)

Kathryn QQs chapters 11-12:
1.What does Epicurus call 'political security'? (p.189)
2.In what cases does the author state we cannot "just wait and see what the consensus is after another twenty-five years of research?" (p.199)
3.What was Hobbes's materialistic declaration? (p.209)
4.What Lucretian idea did Marx and Engels engage with? (p.211)

Alison QQ
1. According to Epicurus, a free life cannot acquire what? (205)
2. The Epicurean story of humanity tells us what? (207)
3. In an Epicurean political community, people are seen as what? (221)

Graham QQ:
1. Ancel Keys followed a ___________ diet according to the New York Times. p197
2. ___________ would like you to believe certain things about the casual powers of their products. p203
3. What did Rousseau think was the principle aim of political decisions? p211

Martin QQ's: (see 187, 190)
1. In the study of nature, we must not conform to what? (11)
2. What did not prove the existence of powerful divinities needing to be pleased? (190)
3. How does one obtain a neighbors good will? (12)
4. Who caused Epicureanism to appear irresponsible, unrealistic, and dangerous? (208)


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