Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exercise Smexercise....

JMH lets loose on the wealthy stay at home moms and gym rats that are dumb enough to spend their free time working out. being that i am one of those idiots that "exerts tremendous energy making nothing", as Hecht so elegantly puts it, i will have to respectfully disagree. i work out to feel better physically and mentally and can feel a big difference when i don't have time to make it to the gym. just like in anything else, people can be over invested in fitness and be mistaken on the benefits it may afford them. Hecht spends a lot of time siting research to defend her position, however, we all know that there is a study or two somewhere that can support just about any argument so i am not swayed at all by the numbers. JMH sounds like she is arguing for a culture where everyone is just active enough to not die of heart disease at 46 and that we should all forget the idea of being physically appealing to the opposite sex because its a made up social condition.....no shit its made up but its still a reality of our situation. ill stick with CrossFit...Hecht can stick to doing as little as humanly possible and I'm sure that we will both be happier that way.
Fact Q: What is the name of the "Apostle of Jogging" that dropped dead at age 52 of a massive heart attack while while out for a run?
A: Jim Fixx (pg. 214)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. She protests too much, somebody must have tried to coerce her into the gym at some point.


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