Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, September 21, 2017

How Being A Pessimist Can Actually Make You A Happier Person

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Pessimism - a person who believes that this world is as bad as it could be or that evil will ultimately prevail over good.

As you all know, I am a self proclaimed pessimist and I would like to share my world with you all.

Here is the link to an interesting article I found, though I do not believe I CHOSE, per say, to be a pessimist but it is a part of my life.


I believe that this quote sums it up pretty well "By adopting the philosophy that life is not about everything going according to plan, he wouldn't feel so consistently agitated by life's small upsets." 

But it isn't just about lowing expectations but being open to dissatisfactiona nd not letting it bpther you. I find that not expecting anything makes the good 1000x better and the bad, in a way, leaves you unbothered. A pessimist can be happy, I am probably one of the happiest people you will ever meet.

Here is another link explaining the positives of being an pessimist. Different things such as living longer, better outcomes at work and lower anxiety come with pessimism. (I didn't even know this)


Though all these posts could be bullshit and I could be living a totally unsatisfactory life, I find it compelling to live the way I do and I am almost never let down. Expectations can distort reality. "those who typically approach a potentially stressful event by envisioning what could go wrong — actually tend to perform well because of their pessimism" 

There is a whole positive life in pessimism, I found myself always looking at what could happen negatively rather than positively at a very young age, like middle school, I always say sometimes there isn't a bright side just a dark side and a darker side.

Next time you say the glass is half-full, remember that is it NOT. It's half-empty (:

Image result for pessimist

1 comment:

  1. You're not the only one who's happy to shine a light on the dark side. Schopenhauer's dead-ahead.

    To the optimist's belief that this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist's who fears that's true, remember to add the MELIORIST'S: it could be worse, it could be better. Attitude and attention have a role to play in shaping the world's destiny too.

    Can't argue with that pissy cartoon, though: sometimes a glass that's half-full is better left alone!


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