Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, August 29, 2013


& pro-luck.
Happiness is a HAP, subject to happenstance. You have to luck out, to get happy. In the largest sense, since we're here, we all did. It's cliche to say our happiness is a choice, and I don't disagree that in many respects it is. But who really chooses to be born? Our real choices comes later, when trying to decide how we feel about being here. "You can choose what you do, but you can't choose what you LIKE to do," said pop-HAP guru Gretchen Rubin. I'm not sure that's not exactly backwards...
(From "Happy go lucky"...)
Today we'll divy ourselves into three groups, and will plan on meeting for group discussion and report planning etc. for a portion of every Thursday. We'll need at least three members of each group to sign on to the blogsite as author-contributors before leaving. Then, one author from each group, please post some sort of summary promptly within an hour or two if possible. If not, one of your group's other authors should step to the plate and do it.  That's so all the non-authors will have a place to post questions, comments, and links. Authors, your post doesn't have to be "perfect"-it just has to be. You can always edit & extend later.

 I'm bringing my scorecards, and will explain my new "ballgame."

HAP 101: our first class was a near-model in civil exchange, despite evidently sharp differences of perspective amongst some of us. There was just the hint of a little dust-up after class, which prompted my light comment here (2d paragraph).  Remember: a good argument isn't just saying "no it isn't," and it's not an ad hominem questioning of others' motives or credentials (or an appeal to the special authority of one's own). Let's all continue to do what almost all of us did last time: play nice, be respectful, disagree agreeably. Have fun. Be happy. Speaking of which, I have Happy news! Carlin Romano's coming to visit our department, on November 8, as the inaugural Fall Lyceum speaker! Watch for details. Now,

Ready for our first Happy Hour, HAP 101? Look for the Dean of HH at Boulevard B&G shortly after class. I'll join you soon as I return my MTBike to the Rec Center.

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