Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, October 24, 2011

Drugs Today

In chapter 8 Hecht discusses the culture of drugs in modern America. I have dabbled in narcotics a few times over the past few years (nothing too extreme) and I can say from experience that there definitely are some positive effects about it. It has opened my eyes to whole new side of life and of the world and has opened my mind to a new sense of spirituality. On the flip side I look out at the world today, especially in the college and other such youth-oriented parts of society and see that drugs are being vastly over used and have clouded the minds of many people.

Discussion question: Can/should there be a middle ground with drugs? Or should we shun them all together just to be safe? Or should we just say "screw it" and go all out as long as its fun?

Factual question: What is the more common name for MDMA? -Ecstasy

1 comment:

  1. I’m not sure they should be used because it’s a very gray area regarding the extremely varied psychology of the users. I think that always, drugs seem to be an escape from present reality, whether to enhance perspective or otherwise, they simply are not the everyday lived reality, which then can cause some to loathe the present life, and some may view it as a burden.

    The great stories Hecht provides seem to allow that drugs may influence positive perspectives on life. I, for one, think that it may also influence a sort of false revelation that it is truly difficult to be human beings and may cause us to strive to live an imaginary existence. I’m honestly not sure I have a question for a separate post because your question is really all I’m interested in regarding the use of drugs. Whether everyone should be given a go at drugs, I simply don’t think so because we need to realize that some trips are either too good or too bad and therefore, ultimately detrimental to regularly lived experience.


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