Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Take What's Yours, p.49 - 51

"Today, we are all used to the idea that the people around us may announce at any time that they are trying to make a grand change, that they are finally going to become themselves, and that, yes, this is an implicit critique of who they had been, and perhaps of who you are now." - Hecht, p.51

Maybe it's because I was in a childhood friend's wedding that I didn't necessarily support this weekend, but this passage sticks like the needle in a broken sewing machine. We're surrounded by advice in how to respond to these grand changes and implicit critiques that works for only "battles and kisses", but that advice is not always up to par. "Even the wise will tell you that when it comes to battles and kisses, somes the only choice is a screaming, brutish plunge." p.48
I agree with this, but does this not far too often only lead us further into the "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" that Hecht mentions?
She quotes Marcus Aurelius earlier in the chapter, "With all your soul to do justice and say the truth. What reamins except to enjoy life by joining one good thing to another so as not to leave even the smallest invertals in between?"
My only question is where to draw lines between taking what is yours and what you believe will cause happiness, not only for yourself, but the whole as well. What I believe might be beneficial to the whole, you could be sitting right beside me, mulling over how that will interfere with your personal happiness and I could never have a clue. How often do we need to voice what we believe to be the "truth" and how often should we have moments like mine this weekend, where there's no other option that to keep your mouth snapped shut and wish for the best?


  1. its a delicate ballence.....but those that give false consolation are false friends. no offense, but if you feel strongly about it you should give your friend an honost assesment of the situation. especially when it is a life changing decision like marriage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbzX7G0tpzQ&feature=player_detailpage

  2. i wouldnt do it while theey are at the altar, but there must have been some time before that you could bring up your concerns....and give your reasons for them in a respectful and thoughtful way...sorry if the last one was a little blunt. its not like saying an ugly baby is cute to save someones feelings when you dont speek up in that situation in my eyes.

  3. Brian, that link you sent made my day.

  4. Don't know your friend's situation, but...

    My wife & I are about to celebrate our 19th anniversary, our girls are beautiful and talented young women. I'm happy I didn't bolt in 1993. And, that my best man didn't try to talk me into it. (He's still single, btw.)


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