Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, October 6, 2011

For the record...

Buddhism is essentially a humanist religion. Buddhist teaching does not acknowledge the existence of a higher power. It is an individual's own respective choice if she or he decides to believe in an "ultimate creator." The Dalai Lama himself refutes the logic of its possibility in For the Benefit of All Beings.

According to Buddhism, there is no such thing as something arising without a cause. Everything is conditioned by something else... Buddhism teaches that everything arises from causes and conditions and that therefore there is no such thing as an uncaused cause. If there were such a thing, then everything could be said to arise from nothing! Alternatively, the primal substance would have to be constantly giving rise to (causing) something. But as we can see, phenomena sometimes manifest and at other times do not. This is because the causes and conditions on which they depend sometimes come together and at other times do not. If the cause were independent and able to create constantly, then of course its results would also have to be constant. Since the results are not constant, we can argue that their cause also is not constant: it is impermanent. Belief in such a creator is simply not logical."

Many of his books acknowledge this fallacy.

It is also a common misconception that Buddhism is incompatible with Science. The Dalai Lama speaks most reverently of Science and speaks at length about cosmology, physics, and biology in most of his texts asking his readers to examine the true nature of reality- (hence scientific investigation ;)

Wiki has a nice summary page.

My apologies Mr. Russell, back to the conquest of happiness!

1 comment:

  1. I have long since been perplexed by the conflict of cause and effect. Like the chicken and the egg it just keeps going back further and further, this was caused by this was caused by this was caused by this. Where does it end, or rather, begin? No matter how you look at it there must be a prime mover. I cannot say what such a thing may be, but I refuse to believe it's not there. Here's a wild theory; what if it's us?


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