Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


In chapter 14 Russel discusses happiness derived from work. I detest most forms of working as I find them to be unbearably monotonous. Conversely, I find some work, such as video editing or any other form of digital design kind of work to be very compelling and captivating. However, when I step back and look at it objectively, I see that it is just as monotonous as any of the work that I hate. So...

Discussion Question - What is it about the different specific kinds of work that different people find enjoyable that makes them enjoyable?

Factual Question - At what age are politicians apt to be happier than anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. i guess its just the way each individual is wired genetiacally. i honestly would rather be beaten to death with a keyboard than edit film all day, but my brother makes videos from hiking and caving trips and spends days editing them into awesome movies with text and a sound track. i enjoy mowing the grass and weeding....i worked at a golf course where thats pretty much the whole job description, along with fixing shit here and there, and i would do that still if it paid the bills. so i guess i dont really have an answer to your question. Maybe Russel is just saying that you better do what ya love if you dont want to be misserable.


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