Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, November 18, 2013

group one post from 11/14/13

sorry for the last post. it has been a busy weekend with a sick hubby! last thursday's class was by far one of my favorite do far. i hate to beat a dead horse but i love this book compared to the last one. i especially loved our "in the circle" group chat thursday. we spent out time talking about jennifer hecht's section about bodies. we started off our discussion with professor oliver's reading from up at dawn and then had our group talk. i find it interesting that we had so many in the class with varying forms of pain that we deal with on a daily basis and how we manage it. we talked about different diets that people are trying. there are so many different diet fads out there that everyone seems to be following something. there is always something that seems to be wrong with a food that was fine for generations. the moldy coffee with toxins is the one that i am reminded of from class. brenna and i had a side conversation discussing the perils of gluten and i found out that it can cause inflammation so i have decided to try gluten free for a bit and see if it will relieve some of the pain from the pinched nerve that i deal with daily. we discussed how hecht does not like exercise pretty much in any form. i have to disagree with her in this part just for the fact that exercise does not always have to feel like you are going to die when you are done. my back feels better when i can get a small amount of exercise during the week, but for me that is only walking right now so that i don't injure the back further at this point. we all need some exercise just to keep all of the organs working correctly. if you want to go to the gym and work our for hours and be in pain the next day, that is great, but just don't expect me to be there! and i can't believe that we didn't get into the sex part of the chapter before we ran out of class time.


  1. factual question for celebration: true/false - women were treated more equally during the medieval times than greek times. answer: true.

    discussion question for celebration: if you had to pick between a time period to live, which time period would you choose greek or medieval? and why?

    what makes me happy? finally getting some recognition for my work. please check out the following link. one of my photos was hanging in a show at the celebrity center at the church of scientology this week and i won second place.


  2. The scientologists are art patrons? Who knew? Congrats, Leigh! But beware their questionnaire ...

    1. I did not get to go to the show but they did try to convert one of my professors lol

  3. P.S. if you have more to say about sex, go for it!

  4. I enjoyed the talk on bodies as well. Honestly, this was a discussion I probably could have spoken up about, but I was fascinated with everyone's comments that I just forgot to raise my hand. I love exercise. If you are performing the exercises correctly, they shouldn't hurt, and exercise shouldn't be painful. The burning of a muscle being activated is not what I would call painful, but progress. I work out every day but my rest day and I love the feeling if a sore muscle. I definitely love it more than I do a jiggly tummy or that bloated feeling in a day when I've had too many carbs. I think society is so bent on an "acceptable" way to look and feel, when it should be personal, how you want to look and feel. Personally I want to look however being the best me IS. I'm not worried about anything but being happy and healthy. Just as a comment, sex is a great form of exercise... Of course if you're doing it safely and protected! I also agree with Brenna that we SHOULD be more open about and honest about sex with young people, especially now with such a sexualized media and an exaggeration of what sexual experiences should be about. Kids are exposed to so many things that simply aren't the norm when it comes to sex, and nothing within social media, music, etc promote sexual awareness or safety. They make it look like something desireable and something you should do. People judge me when I say I lost my birginity at 15, but I personally made the choice for reasons other than acceptance or popularity, and dated the same person for the next 6 years. It's really about being informed.

    Longest rant I've ever had on this blog... All done! I will post my questions in a separate comment tomorrow. Leigh, thanks for creating a post!

  5. Thanks for this post Leigh. Very curious about your gluten experiment. Do you anticipate this will be a difficult transition? And how long til you expect to feel a change? Good luck!

    1. It is going well so far. It is expensive trying to find alternatives and basically fast food is out except for salads of do like Brennan and eat around the gluten items. I do not know if it is psychosomatic or not but my back feels better already. So the gluten could be causing me swelling in my back. I am going to try to stay with it, it just takes more planning and time and time is something I hAve little of these days!

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