Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dilyse Jennings Blog post 1

Blog post 1!

I wanted to discuss the first part of one of the discussion questions "Is the a secret to happiness". I read the book The Secret a while ago to see what all this positive thinking talk was about. I was interested and it seemed like a pretty simple concept. Think positively, show gratitude for what you have, and ask the universe for what you want and you shall receive it. I got into it and I really didn't know what I was doing, but it was honestly one of the most happiest time periods of my life. I really focused my thinking and just stayed positive, and did the best i could to put out into the universe the things i desired and waited. I got a lot of what I wanted, but sometimes things would happen and I wouldn't understand why, because i was thinking "what the fuck, Im being so happy and optimistic what is the issue? What am I doing wrong?" (The books also says anything that happens to you good or bad its your fault) I couldn't handle how this could be the case. How was it my fault that some drunk dude wrecked into my car? Oh well I guess I need to be more positive or something. I thought I was doing it all wrong, because i had seen some success from this. It faded in and out for awhile and then i just finally lost it from my routine. Looking back I honestly think If I would've stuck with it i would be better off today. I do not know how much better, but i know it would be better. Positive thinking, being grateful for what you have, and putting out what you want to the universe is a fantastic way to be happier. especially the first two, the last one is optional and a lot more complicated I think the first two can be a "secret" to happiness. Maybe it is pretentious to think there is a secret to happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Positive thinking is great, but believing that "the universe" is anything but indifferent to your fate (not even indifferent, which implies the bare possibility of caring) seems delusional... but also wildly popular with the New Age/self-help audience.


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