Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dilyse Jennings Blog post 2

Blog post 2

I was thinking about my last post. I try to be happy every day, but it is not this simple. I think it would make a huge difference in my life and the life's of other people around me if I were able to stay positive all the time, and for the better. I wish I had the time to meditate and go to the gym. It is possible for me to do these things sometimes, and I do, but not regularly as I want to. I can't do them regularly enough to make a positive difference in my life. I'm not the only one who has this issue. What can we possibly do to make time for these positive activities for our happiness? If I knew I would obviously already be doing them. In high school, I would go to gym everyday after school got out and it made me happy and it made me feel good because I was in great shape and I looked great. It came time for me to get and job and I became preoccupied then with homework and work and the gym slowly worked its way out of my routine. I tried to work out at home, but it just was not the same as the gym. I am now overweight and pissed. I got a gym membership and recently quit my job so I could focus more on school. I was going to the gym until these past couple weeks because I have had so much homework, and I feel like I just gained back all the weight and results I had been working so hard for and now Im pissed off again. This is all so simple these thoughts about wanting to be in shape and look good, but what if these play a huge fucking role in my happiness? Then it seems like it becomes really important. Everybody has different things that make them the happiest, mine just seems to be feeling and looking good. I think people should do whatever it is that makes them happy as much as they can. Another simple thought, that will always get complicated by daily tasks required by school or work or both.

These are the things that make me happy


  1. Cats and beer in moderation can be a happy thing (though I prefer dogs)... but if you can't make time for the gym, take a 20 minute stroll around the block. Do that habitually, I guarantee you'll be happier. Or your money back.

  2. I have been been busy myself. I have been wishing that I could go to the gym as well. Perhaps now that the semester is over I will finally be able to retake control of my life and do the things I want to do like exercise, keep my room clean, and write. Also, I like your cat.

  3. I have been been busy myself. I have been wishing that I could go to the gym as well. Perhaps now that the semester is over I will finally be able to retake control of my life and do the things I want to do like exercise, keep my room clean, and write. Also, I like your cat.

  4. I don't know why, but sometimes my comments are doubled on these posts. lol


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