Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, September 5, 2013

For the sake of questions posed

Please include the answers to your Factual Questions--We will be using these as a study guide for the upcoming exams. I know we would all just -LOVE- to search the book for everyone's answers (heavy sarcasm), but let's keep this as simple as possible.
As for Discussion Questions--Please be reminded that these are in reference to the upcoming, not the previous, discussions.

Closer to the exam, I'll collect all of the factual questions (via re-examining comments/posts) and post them as a study-guide if the class so wishes. This is the way we've done it in previous blog-based classes with Dr. Oliver, and I found it the most efficient as opposed to trying to figure out a separate document or post to keep track of throughout the semester. If you disagree or have a better option, please feel free to comment below :D
See you all shortly!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! It was you! I was trying to remember who did exactly that from one of our previously shared Dr. Oliver classes.

    It's a great idea and makes for an easy to locate study guide.

    Maybe Dr. Oliver could put a sticky post at the top when we compile more questions.


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