Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Group 2 Factual Question Study Guide

1. What philosopher from the Greek island of Kos has an Oath (that graduating doctors take) named after him? Answer: Hippocrates
2. Who invited followers to "live retired" in a garden surrounded by friends, enjoying simple pleasures, but staying away from public?
Answer: Epicurus

3. What is the title of Thoreau's essay and lecture on the subject of walking?
Answer- Walking

4. How did John Stuart Mill's opinions differ from Bentham's?
Answer: Mill felt that Bentham was to narrow minded.
5. Who urged us to wager that God exists because "if you win, you win everything, if you lose, you lose nothing"Answer: Pascal

6. Seneca, the stoic who shared similar views with Aristotle on wealth, once said to his detractors, "I own my _____, yours own you."
Answer: riches
7. Finish the quotation by Stanley Cavell: "The achievement of human happiness requires not the perennial and fuller satisfaction of all needs as they stand but the __________ and ____________ of these needs"
Answer: examination and transformation

8. My factual question would be how many students would try the machine?
Answer: 5%
8. Who gave us the Experience Machine thought experiment?
Answer: Robert Nozick
9. Kant's stress is on _________ rather than on some unachievable full truth.
Answer: truthfulness

10. The two senses of what term are: extent, range, reach, sweep of perceptions, thoughts, or actions; and freedom, latitude, and leeway?
Answer: scope

(Some questions have been supplemented due to repeats among groups and a lack of questions formed for the final chapter)   

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