Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, September 13, 2013

Group 3 Midterm Project: A TED Collaboration

I just wanted to stake our claim to our TED talk project (if anyone has an idea for a catchy title etc., please voice it).
In the meantime: If you get a chance this weekend, browse the TED website for some happiness related talks that interest you and then post them here in the comments.
I'm guessing we will probably have duplicates--which is good considering that there are about 12 people in our group and while I'm sure it's more than possible to come up with 12 very relevant/interesting talks, it might be best (for the sake of time/efficiency) to find 3-4 talks to focus on and perhaps draw connections between.

All that being said, I'm going to put this talk forward: http://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow.html

I've recently read the book that this talk is based on and it's full of ideas that I think are very applicable to our discussions of happiness so far (the "music people", I think, will easily relate to Csikszentmihalyi's ideas). Also, I feel like it would be very easy to draw connections between this talk and others since Csikszentmihalyi deals with several different topics of life/happiness/psychology.


  1. Id like to propose the idea of "less stuff, more happiness" as part of collaboration within our collaboration if anyone else would like to speak on this topic with me. Or, as I am not usually the best public speaker, I can help anyone else with the research who is willing to speak on my behalf. There are multiple TED talks on the "price" or happiness or if you can or cannot buy happiness etc, but the one I'm going to focus on is linked here:

  2. Consider your claim staked!-jpo

    Your group is significantly larger than the others, I'm not sure how that happened. We may need to redistribute the wealth by farming two or three of you #3s to the other groups. Any volunteers?

    Apparently its letting me follow the blog but not post in it. could you please post this link for me.


    (Can any of you help William solve his technical problem, or post for him until he solves it?)

  3. Thanks Rebecca. I would like to claim Matthieu Ricard's discussion on the Habits of Happiness. I will happily share this topic with anyone who is interested.

    I hope there is a way to make the group numbers work as they are currently divided. But if it is necessary to move someone to another group I would be willing to change groups.

  4. I really like your groups' TED talk idea! On that note, I wanted to share a TED talk from MTSU's Dr. Kelly Bloom. This is the fourth year she has been my advisor, and I have taken several of her classes. I am an outdoor recreation major, and she is head of that department here at MTSU. Her TED talk is about how you can find happiness and fulfillment by stepping outside of your comfort zone enough to have a new experience, but not so far it's traumatizing.

  5. This should prove really interesting to see in presentation :) So glad you guys picked this topic. It's a great way to get a diverse set of view points.

  6. I am most excited about all of them being individualized to us since we get to pick the video but also contributing something different to one big topic.


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