Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


After our (group 2's) presentation, I'm really looking forward to the TED talks class tomorrow...and Fall break.

Kathy linked us to an article about a Jennifer Aniston neuron in her comment on group one's post below, and I found the subsequent debate on Youtube. I figured I would share it with everyone because, though well over a year old, this avenue of neuroscience is deeply intriguing and paramount to our understanding. This specific debate involves some of the most divergent and current views on the subject. While a lot of the jargon may scoot above my head, it's this type of scientific pursuit that captivates me and reminds me that there are still so many mysteries out there and in here (noggin tapping for emphasis).

Also, if group two wants to discuss our presentation (for some egotistical reason :P), the text, or anything looking towards tomorrow's presentation, here's a post to comment on.


  1. The audio on the above video is buzzing for me, the following link doesn't have that problem:


  2. Some time ago, I spoke with my neuropsychology professor about these efforts to "map the brain" and investigate interaction between lobes and such. He thought that they were necessary to pull neuropsychology out of being, in a sense, modern phrenology. This seems to me to be accurate.


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