Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Group 2 Project Outline

Excuse the lateness of this post--I've been battling an obnoxious head cold, and I wouldn't come in today if it wasn't for the presentation.

Methods and Happiness:
Intro (James): There are too many divergent ways to pursue and evaluate happiness. We've each picked something relevant.

Ken: Bars on Happiness
Materials: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
Supplemented: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn & Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

William: Materialism
Materials: the Gearsluts forum (based on two threads:
the "Video Game Curse" thread
& the latest "of the month" thread
alongside a running tradition in the field)

Alexander: Pick Up Artistry
Materials: Websites dealing with the topic:

Jackie: Habits
Materials: Articles on the topic:

Otto: Superstitions
Materials: Bok's chapter on Illusion and three articles:

Samantha: Astrology
Materials: Beginners handbook on the topic to be presented in class

Tony: Aboriginal Tribes in Africa
Materials: To be presented in class

Kat: Handling Panic Attacks/Anxiety
Materials: The Panic Attack Recovery Book by Shirley Swede & Seymour Sheppard Jaffe, M.D.

James: Logotherapy
Materials: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Conclusion (James): Are there any over-arching themes here?

We can decide on a different order for presentation before we begin today. If there are no issues, however, the order I've posted seems good enough to me :)
See you all this afternoon!


  1. "...too many divergent ways"-I'd say there aren't enough.

    Looking forward to Group #2's report!

    (BTW: Please remember that posts are auto-tweeted under my icon. I don't want to lay false claim to your head-cold.)

  2. You may have to if I'm contagious :P I'll keep that in mind for the future, though

  3. It appears that my discussion too cursory. Others seemed to have much more material, so I apologize.

    1. I disagree. I thought your presentation was refreshing and light-hearted though the content was disturbing and serious :)

    2. You also had PLENTY of material for people to explore on their own time. It's not a bad thing to expect us to do the research if we're truly interested in the topic at hand. You did a fine job presenting a summary.

    3. You were fine. Everything I ever wanted to know about Pick-up Artistry and more.

  4. Presentation of the pursuit of happiness among indigenous people.

    Interesting view of why indigenous people are happier than people in the western world:

    "We had an informational session with an Aboriginal man named Lex in which he displayed some tools for us that they used and spoke a bit about their way of life. What really stuck out to me was when he discussed how happy they were, just being together amongst their family and living a life of simplicity. He did a demonstration with thin, somewhat stringy tree bark and showed how easy it was to break before twisting and tying it together. Then after doing so, it became somewhat “invincible.” Lex compared this to his people, his family, the Aboriginal culture; how when acting all as one and working together, a strong bond of trust, strength and endurance can be formed."

    Source material:








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