Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Test Questions: Group 1

1.     What would the Buddhist argue as omitted from Aristotle's list of virtues?  Compassion and lovingkindness (p. 167) 
2.     The Dalai Lama was influenced by Karl Popper, who is most famous for his criterion of what epistemological concept?  Falsifiability (p. 62)  
3.     Who wrote The Therapy of Desire? Martha Nussbaum (p. 173)
4.     In Buddhism proper (if there is such a thing), what is the theodicy to explain evil and suffering—worldly or other-worldly cause and effect?  Karma (pp. 72-74)
5.     Egoism that takes the form of acquisitiveness of multifarious sorts is the main cause of what? 
6.     What is the unchanging self or soul?  Atman (p. 68)
7.     According to Buddhism wisdom consists of Impermanence, dependent origination, and _____.  Anatman or no-self (p. 125)
8.     7th century version of "all in flux" had three things that were unfluxable.  What were they? God, individual souls, and the laws of nature (p. 136)
9.     Diamonds are forever. True or False, and why.
Answer- "False, Diamonds come from compressed coal. And diamonds dissolve, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Diamonds just dissolve very, very slowly." (p. 97)
10.  Original sin, Buddhist style, consists of what three poisons? 
Answer: Delusions, Greedy Desire, and Hatred. (p. 101) 


  1. Thank you Dean. And page numbers are very helpful-thanks!

  2. Question 8 should read "17th century version." This question refers to Fluxing in the West on page 136.


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