Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, October 6, 2013

group one post for thursday 10/3/13

Since there have been no posts for last week i will author for the day. Class began with general announcements and the passing back of our exams. Exams were graded and passed back in and we added up our points for our score sheets. After the class settled down, group one delivered our project about balance = happiness. We passed out candy afterward while we took questions from the class. Next week groups two and three will present their projects on tuesday and thursday respectively.


  1. Are we supposed to read past the intro of the text? The announcements on the sidebar are the same as last week so I'm not sure to what point I'm supposed to stop!

    1. yes. Read and post questions for Chapter 2 on Tuesday and Ch 3 on Thursday. "Bodhisattva's Brain" is the name of Ch 1 as well as the book title and that was assigned for Tues. the 3rd. Think we will catch up on discussions after break.

      And he said the side announcement was locked up so he would post the announcements in his regular post

  2. Right, my side announcement is still stuck. I'll update NEXT in the main body of my posts.

  3. Question: According to Owen Flanagan, almost all neuroscientific work proceeds from what two assumptions? Identity theory and NCV (neural correlate view).

    I thought our Balance = Happiness presentation last Thursday went well. Everyone brought an issue/concern/position/solution to the table discussion, which, in a sense, makes our case.

    The subsequent discussion brought out some interesting points on the salad v. soup metaphor to describe our societal integration.

    Here's a short video entitled "Music and Life" of British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker. In some circles, Watts is credited with Westernizing or interpreting Eastern philosophy.


  4. Discussion question: do you agree with the idea that eliminating suffering doesn't necessarily equal happiness? The example given had to do with a headache and using aspirin to take the pain away. This doesn't now mean you're happy does it?

    Factual question: what 4 virtues does a eudaimon(Buddha) person work to develop?
    Answer: Katrina mudita upekkha and upeksa

  5. Factual Question- The face reading system involves what regions of the brain?
    answer- Amygdala, Visual Cortex, Frontal Cortex and more.
    Discussion Question-What do you think about the question posed in this chapter "Can brain scans detect the belief states that help constitute or underpin their enlightenment/wisdom? "

    I would highly recommend everyone check out the book by Herman Hesse known as Siddartha. It is a remarkably simply read and around 100 pages, but contains a lot of great wisdom in my opinion.


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